Source code for numpy_datasets.images.arabic_digits

import os
import numpy as np
from ..utils import download_dataset
import time
import io
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from zipfile import ZipFile

_source = ""

cite = """
  title={CNN for handwritten arabic digits recognition based on LeNet-5},
  author={El-Sawy, Ahmed and Hazem, EL-Bakry and Loey, Mohamed},
  booktitle={International conference on advanced intelligent systems and informatics},

_name = "arabic_digits"

_urls = {
    "": "",
    "": "",

[docs]def load(path=None): """Arabic Handwritten Digits Dataset Parameters ---------- path: str (optional) default ($DATASET_PATH), the path to look for the data and where the data will be downloaded if not present Returns ------- train_images: array train_labels: array valid_images: array valid_labels: array test_images: array test_labels: array """ if path is None: path = os.environ["DATASET_PATH"] t0 = time.time() download_dataset(path, _name, _urls) train_images = [] test_images = [] train_labels = [] test_labels = [] with ZipFile(os.path.join(path, _name, "")) as archive: for entry in tqdm(archive.infolist()): if ".png" not in entry.filename: continue content = test_images.append(mpimg.imread(io.BytesIO(content), "png")) test_labels.append(int(entry.filename.split("_")[-1][:-4])) with ZipFile(os.path.join(path, _name, "")) as archive: for entry in tqdm(archive.infolist(), ascii=True): if ".png" not in entry.filename: continue content = train_images.append(mpimg.imread(io.BytesIO(content), "png")) train_labels.append(int(entry.filename.split("_")[-1][:-4])) data = { "train_set/images": np.array(train_images), "train_set/labels": np.array(train_labels), "test_set/images": np.array(test_images), "test_set/labels": np.array(test_labels), } print("Dataset arabic_digits loaded in {0:.2f}s.".format(time.time() - t0)) return data