Source code for numpy_datasets.timeseries.picidae

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Randall Balestriero"

import os
import io
from ..utils import download_dataset
import numpy as np
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import zipfile
from import read as wav_read

DOC = """An Annotated Acoustic Dataset of 7 Picidae Species

    The proposed dataset contains 1669 labeled audio files from
    the following Picidae species doing 3 types of birdsongs:
    call, drumming and song. Audio data are organized in thirteen
    folders: twelve containing the labeled audios of each
    birdsong type from every Picidae specie listed in what
    follows and one folder containing the background sound samples

    1- DendrocoposLeucotos - call.

    2- DendrocoposLeucotos - drumming.

    3- DendrocoposMajor - call.

    4- DendrocoposMajor - drumming.

    5- DendrocoposMedius - call.

    6- DendrocoposMedius - song.

    7- DendrocoposMinor - call.

    8- DendrocoposMinor - drumming.

    9- DryocopusMartius - call.

    10- DryocopusMartius - drumming.

    11- JynxTorquilla - song.

    12- PicusViridis - song.

    13- Silence (or background noise).


_dataset = "picidae"
_urls = {
    "": ""

[docs]def load(path=None): """ Parameters ---------- path: str (optional) default ($DATASET_PATH), the path to look for the data and where the data will be downloaded if not present Returns ------- wavs: array the waveforms in the time amplitude domain labels: array binary values representing the presence or not of an avian flag: array the Xeno-Canto ID """ if path is None: path = os.environ["DATASET_PATH"] download_dataset(path, _dataset, _urls, extract=True) t0 = time.time() archive = zipfile.ZipFile(path + "picidae/") wavs = list() labels = list() XC = list() for item in tqdm(archive.namelist(), ascii=True): if item[-4:] == ".wav" and "._" not in item: wavfile = byt = io.BytesIO(wavfile) wavs.append(wav_read(byt)[1].astype("float32")) labels.append(item.split("/")[1]) XC.append(item.split("/")[2].split("-")[0]) labels = np.array(labels) unique = np.unique(labels) y = np.zeros(len(labels), dtype="int32") for k, name in enumerate(np.sort(unique)): y[labels == name] = k data = { "wavs": wavs, "labels": y, "names": labels, "XC_identifiers": XC, "DOC": DOC, } print("Dataset picidae loaded in {0:.2f}s.".format(time.time() - t0)) return data